66" 1920's Paragon Design 10D Wooden Airplane Propeller

Manufacturer: Paragon
Model Number: 10D
Date Sold:  May 7th, 2023
Sold on Ebay for: $910.00


Antique Paragon 66” Wooden Airplane Propeller

Authentic and in excellent shape, has not been cleaned or refinished in any way.

American Propeller and Mfg Co. Paragon Propeller, fixed-pitch, two-blade, wood.

An early predominant manufacturer in the United States, Spencer Heath's American Propeller and Manufacturing Company was first to use machines for mass production of aircraft propellers, and, under the Paragon trademark, these were widely used in World War I. Construction was a wood laminate because of light weight, strength, fabrication ease, and resistance to fatigue in a vibrating and flexing environment.

Heath demonstrated the first "engine-powered, engine-controlled, variable and reversible pitch propeller" in 1919, but was unsuccessful in convincing the Army of the practicality of the concept. He sold the company to the Bendix Corporation in 1929 and retired from aeronautics two years later.

This propeller appears to be the same or similar to Paragon that was on my 1936, J2 Taylor Cub with 40 HP Continental Single Mag Engine.

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